Everyone has a different budget but the key is to understand basic costs and to weigh them against your wants. For instance, if you want big trees that will fruit within a year, expect to pay more per foot and for delivery and installation. Take into consideration, however that some trees and plants grow slowly and some grow quickly. As a rule of thumb, the slower growers cost more. Consider setting aside money to buy large specimens of the slow growers and save some money by buying your fast growers in small sizes.
If you are planning on doing the planting yourself, remember that trees get heavy quickly as they go up in pot size. Most people will need assistance and extra equipment for anything in a 13 gallon pot or larger. Consider sticking to seven gallon sizes. They will be much kinder to your back!
Prices for everything vary depending on location, selection, supply etc. but here are some good “rough estimates” of what to expect in each category.
Trees are roughly $10-$15 per gallon potted, and as much as twice as much for slower or rarer varieties.
Sprinkler systems typically range between $.50 and $1 per square foot for new instals.
Pathways can range from $.30 a foot for mulch to $7 or more for gravel with metal trim or pavers.
Rototillers and sod cutters are typically available for daily rental at rates between $40 and $80 however they can be quite heavy and may require expensive delivery charges.