Green Exteriors
The outside of your home is an interface with the natural environment, its inhabitants, and its resources. Honor these relationships with eco-friendly choices. You can harness the suns rays to provide clean energy to your home via photovoltaic cells and solar mats. Below the soil the earth’s temperature is constant. This clean, geothermal energy can be utilized to heat and cool your home and its water supply. Even the power of the wind can be harnessed through small wind turbines (though this may not always be permissible due to local ordinances or HOA restrictions etc).
Beyond energy, there is habitat, and the life and resources it sustains. Homes have a substantial and often negative impact on the local ecosystem, but with a little care and planning this impact can be reduced and even reversed. Build habitat and conserve water by minimizing lawn and planting native and adaptive plant species. Take it a step further by exploring xeriscaping.
Use your roof to collect rain water which can be stored in cisterns or rain barrels for periods of draught. Create bioswales and rain gardens to recharge groundwater supply, and replace impervious driveways decks and pathways with permeable materials to prevent rainwater runoff. Install rain sensors and utilize seasonal adjustment features on your sprinkler system to avoid unnecessary watering.
Lower your carbon footprint even further by planting a garden or food forest. Grow safe and healthy food right in your own backyard without relying on commercial farms and supply chains run on fossil fuels. Start composting to feed your plants and to keep your kitchen scraps and yard waste out of the landfills where they would produce the harmful greenhouse gas methane.