Food Forests at home, in our schools and in our communities
Planting a food forest directly addresses many of our biggest environmental challenges by lowering carbon footprint, sinking carbon, providing habitat and biodiversity, reducing pollution, food and water scarcity and restoring our soils.
In our yards
On the individual level, food forests are perhaps the most multifaceted way we can help our planet. In addition, they provide us with safe and nutritious food, while giving us the opportunity to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables that may not be commercially available. Plant a food forest today!
In our schools
Food forests make ideal learning centers. Teachers can introduce concepts in a real-world setting. From STEM subjects to the liberal arts, to mental health, food forests have something for everyone. Help us bring food forests to more schools.
In our public spaces
Parks and community gardens are wonderful places for food forests. Visitors inspired by the beauty and abundance of these spaces are more likely to plant food forests in their own yards. Help us bring food forests to more public spaces.