You can make a difference! Here are five simple ways you can help the planet!
Plant a backyard food forest.
Food forests are easy to grow and maintain and they will give you years of healthy fruit and vegetables. Best of all, every day you will be actively sinking carbon, lowering your carbon footprint, improving your soil, using less water, and creating much needed habitat for local wildlife!
Switch from gas to electric.
From cars to home appliances, lawn equipment and more, it’s never been easier to switch to electric. When you find yourself in the market for something new, choose electric whenever possible.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The old maxim rings true. Buy items that will last instead of cheap things that will frequently need replacement. Donate old items instead of throwing them out. Bring your own bag to the grocery store. Recycle but do it right. Visit your solid waste authority’s website and learn what does and doesn't belong in the bins.
Eat drink and shop Local.
Every day we make choices about what to eat and drink. Whenever possible we should choose locally produced options. They have lower carbon footprints, often taste better, and may even be less expensive. Remember also to look for items that are sustainably harvested.
Start composting.
Composting your kitchen scraps and yard trimmings turns them into healthy plant food but more importantly, it keeps them out of the landfill where they would produce the harmful greenhouse gas methane.