Our Initiatives

Here's what we are doing every day to ensure a healthier planet tomorrow.

Food Forests

Food forests are an amazing way to address global warming, habitat loss, pollution, food and water scarcity, carbon footprint and more. We are working with community centers and schools to plant food forests and to inspire others to do so.

Reef Restoration

A mass die-off of the longspine sea urchin has left many of our coral reefs devastated by smothering algae. We are working with marine biologists, piloting a breeding program to help reintroduce these important grazers onto reefs.


Coastal Stewardship

Our beaches and estuaries can seem like playgrounds but they are important ecotones that support many species. We are engaging with biologists and other experts to educate the public on best practices to care for these precious spaces. We also take a “hands on” approach, conducting regular clean ups. Come and join us!